Mindful life
Mindfulness improves our life quality. Regularly practiced, it leads to better manage oneself stress, depression, anxiety, pain or addiction.

This practice has been henceforth scientifically recognized for several years.

Concretely, it’s all about focus oneself attention to the present moment, to reconnect to oneself sensations and to let fly away oneself thoughts without judgment but with goodwill.

Mindfulness is being developed in many areas (education, work, alimentation,…) so it allows us to improve our life regarding our problems.

Picto méditation

Mindful Break

A break to practice Mindfulness Meditation

Introducing a regular practice of Mindfulness in your daily life.
Grant oneself a short guided meditative break with an instructor at lunchtime or freely at the time of your choice. Or, training oneself during practical days in group.

There are sessions that will permit to maintain and review some practices of Mindfulness. Meditations can be guided or silent, in movement, still, alone or in group.

Practical sessions are animated by different instructors in order to benefit from the wealth of the different Mindfulness practices.


Stop and meditate, for whom, for what ?

Mindful break fits everybody and allows everyone to settle and maintain a regular meditative practice. Offering oneself a Mindful Break leads to accord to oneself a halt, in a chosen and welcoming environment.
mindfulness 1


mindfulness 2

her emotions

mindfulness 3

the present time

mindfulness 4

Decrease her negative thoughts

How to complete your meditation’s apprenticeship ?

  • Mindful Break to meditate day after day*
  • 8-week Mindfulness Cycle to learn mechanisms of Mindfulness Meditation***
  • Recreational workshop one Sunday per month**
  • Mindful Eating at a restaurant

Involvement *moderate **medium ***intense

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