Mindful life
Mindfulness improves our life quality. Regularly practiced, it leads to better manage oneself stress, depression, anxiety, pain or addiction.

This practice has been henceforth scientifically recognized for several years.

Concretely, it’s all about focus oneself attention to the present moment, to reconnect to oneself sensations and to let fly away oneself thoughts without judgment but with goodwill.

Mindfulness is being developed in many areas (education, work, alimentation,…) so it allows us to improve our life regarding our problems.

Picto essentials

Mindful Essentials

Our Minduflness initiation 8-week cycles

Learning Mindfulness meditation leads to better manage stress, depression, anxiety, pain or addiction. It helps us enjoying more deeply the present time. It’s simply better live.

Concretely, this initiation is an apprenticeship to bring oneself attention in this present moment, being connected to oneself sensations, observing our thoughts without judgement, with goodwill. This auto observation of our body and our mental frees us progressively from our negative thoughts.

Learning Mindfulness fundamentals, for who, for whom ?

Mindfulness helps to better manage the stress elements which cripple our balance. It improves our life quality. This practice is henceforth scientifically recognized thanks to more than 5 000 studies conducted during 40 years. Mindfulness acts in several levels :
mindfulness 1


mindfulness 2


mindfulness 3


mindfulness 4


Initiation to Mindfulness Fundamentals

  • Discovery workshop *
  • 8-sessions Cycle Mindfulness Adults ***
  • Mindful Teen (Mindfulness cycle for teenagers) ***
  • Intensive days of practice **
  • Mindful Breaks to meditate day by day *

Involvement *moderate **medium ***intense

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