We propose Mindfulness meditation cycles, also adapted for companies and organizations, activity on which we are pioneers. Our programs rely on stress management cognitive and emotional mechanisms knowledge and the Mindfulness practice. In the heart of our actions : the improvement or the life’s quality for everyone and the wellness development in companies.
All our activities are delivered by certified instructors.
Mindfulness is a method relying on more than 40 years of research and 50 000 scientific studies. Its base : concentration, attention of present moment, body, spirit and emotions awareness.
Simultaneously, tool, method and way of considering life, Mindfulness associates corporal exercises, self-observation and exchanges. The objective is little by little, being aware of what’s happening inside us at a certain/given (a one time) moment, in our mind, our body and being able to identify our emotions without looking for modifying them. The mental and neurological processes activated by Mindfulness, improve autoregulation of thoughts, emotions and behaviors, thus allowing a bigger serenity and access to wellness in life in general and at work in particular.
« I am confident that Mindfulness practice is essential for each person and, a fortiori for each employee, to be able to take in charge its health and well-being ».
Founder of Institut Mindfulness, Marjan Abadie formed herself in Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy at UCL and holds a MBA at Sorbone (IAE, Paris).
During many years, she occupied international positions with responsibilities (Oracle, Hewlett-Packard, Avencis, Deloitte & Touch). She thus holds the knowledge of a company and management related issues, constraints and difficulties and their consequences on our daily stress management. Along with this professional experience, she has enhanced herself from a long personal meditative experience for almost 15 years.
Since more than 7 years, she has animated formation coaching and Mindfulness programs.
Furthermore, she is a member of the AMD (Association for the Mindfulness Development) Executive Board.
French psychologist, Mindfulnesss instructor and specialized in emotions management. He presently leads a Doctoral thesis in psychology at Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) in Belgium. He especially works with teenagers reached by behavioral disorders in a Residential Service for Youngers. He is part of the Specialized Psychologists Consultants of UCL where he follows patients attained by different emotional troubles.
Formed and certified in nutrition, nutritherapy and Mindful Eating ME-CL as well as in conscious breathing. Fascinated from the outset by food and the pleasure that it could bring while being conscious of the emotional aspect hiding behind and that could sometimes tricked her ! This is how she formed herself in the nutrition field.
After a long international career inside the Belgian judo team and Engineering studies in public works, he switched to the mental preparation for high level athletes and managers, starting the 80’s. Trained in transactional analyze and practitioner Master in PNL, conversational hypnosis at IMBEH and at TBT, he also is a clinician sexologist (UCL) and holds a certification in sexofunctional therapy. He is one of the Belgian pioneers of Mindfulness Meditation Practice, especially in the hospital sector for more than 10 years. He has practiced meditation for several decades.
Formed in medicine and anthropology with an additional formation in MBCT based on Mark Williams’s approach, she is an instructor in MBSR and Interpersonal Mindfulness (developed by CFM & Insight Dialogue – Gregory Kramer). 30 years of management experience in companies and public organizations. A vitality trainer for leaders and collaborators in companies.
Former HMD, Michèle Berger is a Psychologist, licensed in psychopedagogy and industrial psychology. Specific formations related to human recourses management and to coaching (Process Communication, personality and orientation tests, skills assessment, groups dynamic,…). Michèle is formed in MBCT and MBSR and has leaded workshops since 2004 at UCL, HUG Genève and at the Mindfulness Center or Massachusetts Medical University.
Teacher since 2009, she received early trainings in meditation, and in various other techniques in well-being. Certified for more than 10 years in Qi Gong and massage, and trained in mindfulness by the "Center for Mindfulness" (CFM, UMass Medical School), she also works as a soft-skills trainer (transversal skills such as communication, stress or conflicts management...)